Replacement Glass for Windows – What to Consider

A time may come when the glass of old windows are in bad shape and renovation is not the best thing. Consider installing replacement glass. Replacement glass now available is made from materials that resist weathering and are highly energy efficient. Old and cracked glass windows permit air to filter into and out of the house, increasing heating and cooling costs. Replacement glass windows can often save 15-20%.

Tips to Buy Replacement glass

When you visit a building supply store, try to select a style that is suitable for the architectural style of the house. You’ll find a good choice available and can usually match the style of the old window. Consider the material and how this will appear on the house. Replacement glass for windows has double-glazing, low E-glass, and this should be seriously considered as you choose a product. Consider the size of the opening between the existing window side jambs and the top jamb and sill. Window glasses that will fit into the existing openings are considerably easier to install.

Replacement glasses are made into a wide range of sizes and some manufacturers will make them to fit the existing opening. One of the important things to consider as you weigh the price of replacement glass is the warranty and how long the warranty is going to last, because that’s going to determine how far into the future your energy savings can be figured against your cost for the glass.

If you want to find more info on replacement glass for windows, click here

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